Si vous avez un surplus d’argent, cette calculatrice vous aidera à déterminer si vous devriez rembourser vos dettes ou investir.

Votre prêt

Faites fructifier votre argent plus rapidement en réinvestissant tout l'argent que vous gagnez. Le fait de modifier la fréquence de capitalisation change vos résultats.

Tax paid on each extra dollar of income earned; rate is based on income level. Different rates apply to interest, dividends and capital gains.

For assistance in calculating the marginal tax rate on your income, please use this marginal tax rate calculator.

Les intérêts d'une dette sont déductibles d'impôt si la dette sert à financer des dépenses d'entreprise ou un placement.

Votre placement

Investments in registered accounts (e.g., RRSP or RESP): returns are not taxable until withdrawn, so enter "0." Investments outside registered accounts: returns are taxable in the year they're earned.
Capital gains are taxed when the investment is sold; the capital gains inclusion rate is 50%, so enter half your marginal tax rate. Interest is taxed at your marginal rate, so enter that same number. Dividends are taxed based on
their type.

For assistance in calculating the marginal tax rate on your investment, please use this marginal tax rate calculator.