Fernando Fagundes (alias Henry Roche), Emilia Alas-As Elnasin, New Futures Trading International Corporation, Third Realm Inc., Masters Palace Inc. and Majestic Horses International Inc. Fernando Fagundes (“Fagundes”) and Emilia Alas-As Elnasin (“Elnasin”) have solicited investments in various companies, including New Futures Trading International Corporation, Third Realm Inc., Masters Palace Inc. and Majestic Horses International Inc. Fagundes, Elnasin, New Futures Trading International Corporation, Third Real Inc., Masters Palace Inc. and Majestic Horses International Inc. are not registered under the Ontario Securities Act: to offer or provide investment opportunities in any type of security; to engage in the business of trading in any type of security; or to advise anyone with respect to investing in, buying or selling securities.

Date: Juillet 11, 2012